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Glossary of Must-Know Dental Terms

Bleaching Bleaching is the process of whitening discolored teeth through the use of chemicals. Despite the name, the technique does not typically involve actual bleach.

5 Steps for Choosing the Right Dental Insurance

Dental insurance covers everything from routine exams to unexpected dental problems. Rather than worry about what might go wrong or avoid the dentist because you can’t afford it, look into different dental insurance plans to see what fits your family and budget. There are plenty of options to help you make sure no dental...

10 Lifestyle Influencers You Should Be Following

  These days, the best way to follow the greatest and most influential people is through online venues like Twitter. However, it can be a challenge to find the most important and informative people to follow. Here is a list of several influential sources of information on the web today.

Has Our Modern Diet Destroyed Our Teeth?

When it comes to our health, most people agree we’re better off today than our ancient ancestors were. After all, we have the benefits of antibiotics, vaccinations, and reliable access to food and shelter. However, evidence suggests those same ancestors of ours may have had better oral health than we have today, in part...

5 Ways To Keep Clean, Healthy Teeth With Braces

It’s a well-known fact that if you have braces, you have to make sure you’re taking extra special care of your teeth. Braces themselves don’t cause stains, but insufficient teeth cleaning while wearing braces can lead to stains on the enamel or even tooth decay. Let’s look at five ways to keep your teeth...

How Do Spicy Foods Affect My Teeth?

The heat in your mouth from consuming spicy foods isn’t actually bad for you. It may be hard to believe that the fire you feel won’t damage your teeth, but as long as the spicy foods aren’t fried and processed, there’s no reason to believe that chilis put your dental health in danger. However,...

Does Medicare Cover My Teeth?

Are your teeth covered by Medicare? While this program may cover a wide range of medical needs, it’s important to know how much Medicare can do to support your oral and dental health. Use this guide to understand what Medicare covers and what you need to do to keep your teeth healthy.

Bad teeth don’t just impact your smile and dentist bills. They can also cause a range of health issues, including heart complications. Read on to discover how bad teeth can lead to a bad heart.

Your Child’s First Dental Visit

It’s only a matter of time until your tiny tot has a mouthful of teeth. While it may seem like they were a newborn only yesterday, putting off his or her first visit to the dentist won’t keep your child from growing and changing. Find out when to schedule the first dentist visit, what...

You’re Brushing Wrong: 4 Tips to Improve Your Technique

You only get one set of adult teeth. That’s why proper oral hygiene is extremely important. Unfortunately, even though brushing is the most common part of any oral hygiene regimen, many people don’t brush correctly. From getting distracted by types of toothpaste to spending only a few seconds brushing, you’re probably making at least...

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